Saturday, December 21, 2013

This is for you my dear Frédéric Nirhou

The heaven has a new Angel with a good heart and above all things a good warrior.

Fred I will miss you a lot,sorry for not be there for you but believe me I was with you with my prays and send you positive energy all the time.

God bless you for be a good Man and have a Great Heart.

The first memory I have of you NEVER said me No when I need you help,I really apreciate it.
My last memory of you was talk all day by skype where I met an amazing woman who take care of you and show me that she loves you with all her heart and your pretty and beautiful girl you gave me a pitcures of her, was nice met your family and enjoy dinner with you adorable girl was amazing spent a day with you.

I never forget it and all the words that you told me.

You gave me your friendship unconditional

 Thanks for being in my life and for your advices

The distance means nothing while friendship is true and lasting.

You always be in my heart  and in my memories.

I will always love you my Dear Friend Fred.

Thank you for teach me a lot you are a Warrior

I can't be with you right now and this is the way that I can tell you goodbye

Rest in peace

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Technology that is created in the world and in my country Perú.

I can say that I am not fanatic of technology but I like appreciate everything that the engineers of electronic and other professional do because they every day created or developed things to make our lives more easy.

Today I want to show you 2 videos something about technology applied to Medicine and Robotics this videos are created by electronic engineers a Peruvian PUCP university. Is in spanish but i know that is going to be easy to understand.

I  think that everyone is able to create, invent and develop things. Only if that person proposes it and wants to do it but especially if the person enjoys doing.

In Peru we are beginning to create and develop technology for our needs.

Learn to appreciate what others do for us quietly to improve our lives every day and feel one Geek :-)
...and if you enjoy this blog you can share it...!

Thursday, October 10, 2013


I 've had this last months a very bad news about friends of mine.I was in shock when they told me the news and I feel helpless because there is nothing I can do to help, just pray for their health. 

Is  very sad to listen that kind of new,maybe you don't give it importance until it happens to you or your family member or friend.

I think Cancer is a disease of warriors, because people with this disease fight until the end and most times win the war. I think they are an example of life.

Cancer teaches us to have patience, courage, love, perseverance to everyone who are living everyday and who are around them too:-)

My dear Friend Fred and Eduardito this message are for you and for all warriors that every fight with the Cancer.

Value life and people who are around you because even though you do not know it, they'll appreciate you more than you can believe.

I learn a lot during this months because my friends teach me be strong every day and have faith and no matter how bad  was the day, there's a glow in the dark.God is with you:-)Eduardito Thank you for you smile you are a great Kid !!you teach me a lot believe me....Fred I know you are so Far but I know that you have all the support and especially you have a great Wonder Woman near you and I told you that several times:-) 

Blessings:-) Warriors!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Dame una pequeña sonrisa:-) Give me a little Smile :-)

Todos los días nos damos cuenta que solo estamos de paso en este hermoso lugar que llamamos planeta Tierra,todos los días tenemos experiencias diferentes,cometemos errores,hacemos cosas buenas,tratamos de hacer las cosas bien,a veces sentimos que todo se nos derrumba y no podemos levantarnos,pero cuando vemos una sonrisa :-) inmediatamente nuestro mundo cambia y por tan solo una sonrisa y más un abrazo nuestro mundo empieza a cambiar,La vida es una sola aprovéchala y vívela al máximo con amor ,comprensión y sobre todo perdón,porque solo estamos de paso y nadie es eterno,comparte el amor y la comunicación con tu familia ,amigos,conocidos y extraños:-)

Every day we realize that we are only passing through this beautiful place we call planet Earth, every day we have different experiences, make mistakes, we do good things, we try to make things right, sometimes we feel that everything collapses and can not get up, but when someone give to us a smile :-) world changes immediately and for only a smile and a hug our world begins to change, life is a single grab it and live it to the fullest with love, understanding and above all forgiveness , because we are only passing through and nobody is eternal, share the love and communication with your family, friends, acquaintances and strangers :-)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Book in our lives ending.

Every day when we got up and started our day we open our eyes and we think all the things we do during the day, then go to the bathroom and took a shower, we change our clothes, take a cup of coffee with what we have for breakfast, then went out and we will do what we have planned for day, work that is the story of the survival of every day because that we have studied and worked .

Our hopes, our dreams, the desire to be better every day in order to be best professionals in the future. Each of us has a different story every stage of life we have closed it as a book that stays in our memories and our hearts as our childhood, the kindergarten, school, college, work, each stage is a volume of our collection of books in our lives and people are always like characters who disappear are our parents, our family, friends, boyfriends or girlfriends, Husband or wife, children or future children, pets and all the beautiful inert background of our history and give to us color to our  lives i mean in our books like  at sunrise, the sunset,the rain, the snow,the  seeing fog, the river, the ocean, trees, a red rose, the garden, the forest and all the scenery that you can write in your historymyou decide that walk,take a taxi or bus,walking on the beach,a dinner with someone special,go to the movies,stay at home,go to the movieshad fun with your friends or family all that is day by day  if you want  and  we are book in our lives ending.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Life is only one!

Life teach to us everyday a lot things, some of those lessons is that sometimes, we let go to important people in our life and when we realize it's too late, sometimes maybe is good and sometimes maybe is not good ,but is a experience that we learnt in our lifes and only we have to wish the best for the people who was important in our lifes.

I know the life is one, I also know that to err is human, I know that sometimes opportunities on one, two or three times in life, but sometimes we pass them and sometimes we think that we can do anything that we want if we pursue our dreams,proyects but above all find our happiness

I also know that life goes on and we can not only live in the past,we have to live our present and shaping our future.

The life go on ,the present and future is there, I am happy because i am living every day,I have a good family and friends who always are there for me and they are close and far from me but they allways are there when I need them.

Life is to dream, to love, make mistakes, get new experience, take a risk, pursue dreams, be free, want, caring and giving love, mourn, cry, offer help, volunteering, smiling, escape from routine, traveling.
In life there should be no barriers or people who want to judge you for your passion, for your art or your personality, if they do not appreciate you let them go, because even though you want to show your love and passion, they never will understand.

 Be happy and make others happy without hurting them, sometimes going to happen but do not worry because if you really appreciate them you will understand and not judge.

Blessings and Smile:-)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Faith moves Mountains

I've always thought that Faith moves mountains, that faith and the union of the people we love, unconditional support us in the most difficult moments of our lives, whether they are near or far, they are always going to be bringing love and friendship.

It is sad to know, that the beings that one loves like my sisters, nieces, nephews and good friends are far away but while we keep in touch  makes me feel more close to them.

sometimes when one of them is going through a hard time I get sad and I feel helpless for not helping or being near them and they ue únicoq I can offer is my support and all my love from a distance, make them feel that I am close to them and that everything will be okay.

In hard times should not give up and we should fight for us and for the beings who believe that we can overcome any obstacle and especially those who have faith in us.

Anything is possible Dear Fred don't give up,all the people who loves you is with you. Faith. I know you can do it.!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Imagine all the people living life in peace that means: No Wars

I don't like to talk about politics,because I always hear about politics and see the reactions of that people, I have always said that talking about politics is just fight and not to reason.

I think if  we really love our country and our people ,why leave children without families?, why send innocent people to fight in the war? Why do innocent people have to die they just want to live in peace?

It seems that some leaders do not value the lives of its people and especially children, who have a future. It seems that the consequences have not seen leaving a war, I can not believe they do not have feelings. I think as good leader must protect the life of its people and for that should arrive at a good communication and understanding so as not to go to war.

Life is first, why not tell us? and reach a peace agreement and avoid human losses and disasters.

No more people selfish,No to Violence,no more investment in weapons, invest in making people happy,No loss to human beings, not children who may be orphaned because they need  their parents because they need all of love that they can receive from them. No more people maimed because they deserve to live and have a good life, not the destruction of homes, which were built by the sacrifice of every human being to live in peace and enjoy a quiet life and family .

I think we have to live in peace,I know we are not perfect but we can try resolve misunderstandings with good communication but not resolve the problem, make a truce or an arrangement where they can take the time to think and especially to have ideas and find solutions to avoid a conflict.

The person seeking really solve the problem or conflict always tries to find a solution to the end but the solution has to be on both sides.

I think everything is possible if we really want and we take the best way for be in peace.

If I could,is a song reflecting our desire to be at peace and smile to life.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Faith my dear Best Friend Fred Nirhou!

Today on my blog I decided to talk about of a good friend of mine,I met him since almost !!oh my God let me see 16 years ,a long time ago...What can I said ,I met him in 1997 in Santa Monica, Los Angeles in USA,he is from French ,well what can i said about him,he is my best friend,he is funny,he is a person who has yet he still continues to have a child's heart, he always try to help me when i ask him for help and give me all his support,I remenber when I want to dedicate a Card to Dennis,and I need help to write the card in diferents languages and he help me with that, Thank you Fred! I really enjoy your friendship until now,I remenber the last time thatwe talk by skype was almost more that 6 hours I think, and you are still the same person that I met ,well you were a little fat ;-) but you are still with the same heart and was amazing share this day with your family ,your beautiful Severiné when I met always has a smile on his face and let me tell you that I admire, as a human being and as a couple. I know she loves you and cares for you a lot and when I met Chloe the beauty, lovely and dancer chloé, I saw that you  have a special family:-) Fred the time that you are passing now,is only a bad moment of life ,yes i know is easy for me to say that but you know I m pretty sure that everything is will be good for you ,yes Patience is the perfect word for you now but like i always told you don't lost your faith,you have persons who really loves you and only wish the best for you,this is positive energies:-) I really hope that the doctors find the new treament for you,Stay as you are doing so far, it is not easy for you, I know you must be sometimes, feel fear, sadness and anxiety but you know something that's human, so we can verify that you belong to this world and you're not  ET.just kidding , (sorry) smile, because I am waiting to Skype with you again, with Sev of course in spanish and french class and see chloé walking, talking, dancing and eating again :-) You know, Sometimes We can't see  what is important our life and stay with people who really wants to take care of us but They always stay there in every moment of our life does not matter if they are near or far the important think is that they are suuport us.

Fred God bless you and help the doctors to find the best treament for you, Sev and Chloé you are unique.
Patience and Faith 

Saturday, January 26, 2013


I always say  life is only one and we have to live every day,be ourself ,pursue our dreams, our projects, take time to people who love and you value, not stop living day to day, not stop dreaming, do not give up always goes on, life gives us a lot of tests every day, approve up to you. Find you happiness and you will see verything is going to be a change in your life because the happiness is the best medicine for live and especially when you can share it.

Do not worry, if something goes wrong, try again and again never give up. we are so glad to be alive,to be healthy, to have a place to live, to know that someone cares about us, we are surrounded by so many good things that sometimes we do not realize and do not pay attention.

do you know how is the way to make happy someone without spend money? is easy just Smile to someone that is sad or angry is free,hug someone who need consolation , you know the hug is free too,kiss someone that you want your parents,someone of your family ,friend,wife ,husband,boyfriend,girlfriend but take some time to do it is free too and if you want your time can be free too.

Do not miss the days without someone happiness, life is too short to be upset or fight with someone you appreciate or want, everything has a solution if you have good communication and if you really want to fix it. Remember it.

A big-hearted person I met recently told me:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that’s why it’s called present.

Thank you for that words :-)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Feelings Today!

We are human beens with a good soul and good heart some of us are very sencitive and honest. We always try to express everything that we can give to others and sometimes we made mistake but we always try to do the good things and if we made mistake well we try not to do the same misatke again...tell you a secret : Nobody is perfect neither I ,don't worry:-) try always to do your best.Smile

The other day when i went to the church the father said when you had kids give all love and the best education that you can give them but the first person in your live must be your husband because he is going to be with you for the rest of your life and you have to take care to each other ,have a good comunication,be patient to each other but most of all lots of love until the death separates you and i was thinking about my grandparents and they were in love until that they went to heaven. 

Life teach to us everyday a new experiences,new things give to us challenges, bad moments, but if you falls put off by these obstacles will fall, but if you put a lot of love to overcome these obstacles every situation even the most difficult of our lives, come out victorious and see that it was all just a test gives life to make us grow every day and be good people and great heart.

The forgiveness exists, there is charity, love exists, the beauty of the soul endures through the years, communication, happiness, complicity, understanding, honesty and desire is what holds a being with another being.

Smile every day keep you faith,never lost it.....Every day I always see the sky, the moon and i know that in other part of world are the same sky,the same starts,the same moon,the same cloud,the same sun and that is a miracle of nature and is very magic and we are sharing something,the wind, the air is amazing how is the nature doing for us. 

If we start over cero I know is not easy but not impossible so fight everyday to get everything that you want because everything is possible in this life why we dont start to do it things,get everything that you want withtout hurt nobody and try to make the oppositve try that they are happy :-).

Monday, January 7, 2013

Tears in Heaven

Sometimes we can't see everything that is happend to us and we do not know the opportunities that we have and we let it go and go like the wind and when we return and that opportunity is not there and sometimes is not there forever.

I want to share a lyric and video Tears in heaven was dedicated to Connor the son of Eric Clapton who died in an accident at age 4 ,we have feelings and we have to live everyday and give to each other the best moments and live everyday with a big smile and we have to be grateful for be alive over the earth.

Eventually discovered that money doesn't buy happiness or life but love can give us happiness,life and and overcome any obstacle as long as we are together. A pretty face, a nice body does not last forever, our soul and our inner beauty lasts until we are old and that is the true love that is very hard to find and when we find that person we are so happy and we are totally complemented and we try to live good and bad times with good communication and always trying to get ahead, living and enjoying each day but whe we lose that person of our life we feel that has been a part of our life.

This song is one of my favorites ,please read and listen carfully and open your heart. 
                                                        TEARS IN HEAVEN    By Eric Clapton
                                                   WOULD YOU KNOW MY NAME
                                                      IF I SAW YOU IN HEAVEN?
                                                      WOULD IT BE THE SAME
                                                      IF I SAW YOU IN HEAVEN?
                                               I MUST BE STRONG AND CARRY ON
                                  ´CAUSE I KNOW I DON´T BELONG HERE IN HEAVEN...

                                                   WOULD YOU HOLD MY HAND
                                                    IF I SAW YOU IN HEAVEN?
                                                  WOULD YOU HELP ME STAND
                                                    IF I SAW YOU IN HEAVEN?
                                        I´LL FIND MY WAY THROUGH NIGHT AND DAY

                                   ´CAUSE I KNOW I JUST CAN´T STAY HERE IN HEAVEN...

                               TIME CAN BRING YOU DOWN, TIME CAN BEND YOUR KNEES
                               TIME CAN BREAK YOUR HEART, HAVE YOU BEGGING PLEASE...

                                          BEYOND THE DOOR THERE´S PEACE I´M SURE
                                    AND I KNOW THERE´LL BE NO MORE TEARS IN HEAVEN...

                                                  WOULD YOU KNOW MY NAME
                                                   IF I SAW YOU IN HEAVEN?
                                                   WOULD IT BE THE SAME
                                                   IF I SAW YOU IN HEAVEN?
                                           I MUST BE STRONG AND CARRY ON
                             ´CAUSE I KNOW I DON´T BELONG HERE IN HEAVEN...

Thursday, January 3, 2013

I light a candle

This new year 2013  I light a candle for people who try to believe in themselves,who try 

to believe in peace and love,who try to save and keep the world in good condition,I light 

a candle for people to be aware and do not harm our environment and the ozone layer.

I light a candle for the Middle East  a candle over the Amazon, I say a prayer for South 


I Light a candle for America by Mother Teresa and Mandela I give thanks to the miracle of 


And people of good will, I light a candle in this darkness ,For those who fought to give us 

I light a candle in this darkness for the kids who come behind.
I light a candle for people will be honest and don't hurt to others, I light a candle so there

 is no more war,no more violence, no more suicides, no more hunger, no poverty.

I light a candle for people and families have a good comunication 

i light a candle for people to learn to forgive and be forgiven.

I light a candle for Lenon, for all the walls collapsed,  I say a prayer for John Paul , for 

whales and good Rock and roll. 

I light a candle for my family ,my good friends and family of friends that always be in 

peace,love,health and happiness

I light a candle for  that people do not feel alone and know that someone is always praying 

for them wherever they are.

I light a candle for my loved ones who are no longer here on earth and tell them that they 

always be there in my heart.

I light a candle for the people who try to find the happiness and can't find it.

I light a candle for myself for be better person every day and pray God for be with me in 

good and bad moments of my life.

I light a candle for this 2013 will be good for everybody and that all your 

dreams,wishes,proyects will be reallity

Blessings for of all you and never forget to smile:-)the party start today enjoy 

every moment that you have and live everyday like be the last one.