Friday, November 2, 2012


Sometimes, we made mistakes and we screw up things that is part of life part to learn more about that bad experiences and don't do the mess up again.

Time to help us to be better every day you have to see, what are you acting is this way? and try to fix it and get better everyday.Honestly I learned it but like a hit in my soul but that not means that i don't go to go on of course I will.I will try to be more patient because during this last years i was not in that way I was ver patient take care to my grandparents and when i was working very hard in Cajamarca city under pressure but sometimes we forgot this good way and everything fall down and we have to start and learn again.

Life is only one why we had to ignore or be upset with the person who one day was part of our life. We have to learn to forgive because we someday ask for forgive too.

The most important of life is be in peace,love,friendship and humility because when we are old we only see the beauty of our soul the physical is not important in this time because we take care to each other and we see to each other like a first sight and don't matter if we are old we got to be together despite the difficulties that we had and if we died we don't carry all of material things that we had we carry with us love of our loved ones and we left the best memories that we spent together. 

Enjoy Life and follow without fears learn about it.I am doing that and learning every day that.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A little about me

My name is Carolina i am very sencitive,kind,lovely,honest person who is not perfect because sometimes I mess up the things and when I try to fix it screw up again but this not happend all the time because almost all the things that I do goes well and I am a little crazy but  in the good way :-)

I have good heart and I am volunteer and I like to help people and try to be always positive in everything that I do even know that things not are good but I think that everything had solution if you try and give everything of you but if didnt work just try to find other ways.

I think, the things happend for some reason and only the best memories are in our heart and the lifes go on and we have to move on and keep the faith and hope those are the things we should not lose. 

Sometimes is important never lost our child's heart because if you have it you can see the life in differently way;you will see the heart of people,their innocence,their good soul and you will see the people with love and humility and you tried to help them and to smile to other people who needs only that.Just Smile and do they know they are not alone.

This is me with strengths and weaknesses.this is me for now.