Saturday, December 21, 2013

This is for you my dear Frédéric Nirhou

The heaven has a new Angel with a good heart and above all things a good warrior.

Fred I will miss you a lot,sorry for not be there for you but believe me I was with you with my prays and send you positive energy all the time.

God bless you for be a good Man and have a Great Heart.

The first memory I have of you NEVER said me No when I need you help,I really apreciate it.
My last memory of you was talk all day by skype where I met an amazing woman who take care of you and show me that she loves you with all her heart and your pretty and beautiful girl you gave me a pitcures of her, was nice met your family and enjoy dinner with you adorable girl was amazing spent a day with you.

I never forget it and all the words that you told me.

You gave me your friendship unconditional

 Thanks for being in my life and for your advices

The distance means nothing while friendship is true and lasting.

You always be in my heart  and in my memories.

I will always love you my Dear Friend Fred.

Thank you for teach me a lot you are a Warrior

I can't be with you right now and this is the way that I can tell you goodbye

Rest in peace

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