Monday, October 15, 2012

Live each day as if it were your last.

Each passing day is a special day full of hopes, dreams, projects, sorrows, joys, losses and every moment we can not even imagine because even we didnt pass  some of this moments.

Every day we live we learn to value,value ourself of appreciate to respect and be respected and do forgive forgiven but above  learn to live each day.

We Can Overcome Because it has a solution for every one of the Things That happen to us, in this lifewe have solution  for everything life and not drown in a glass of water for a problem That is not really importan.

Always exist the time for everything,if you really want,there is not excuses to make happy someone,not all the time is work or is money the most simple things in this life are free and they are Smile,Hug,kiss,time,walk,write,talk,feel,good friendship and they are totally free but for some people is difficult to do it and this is the materialist world that they think that money can buy everything and that is not true because the value that every good person is their soul, their heart ,their dignity and the materialistic people can't see it until they open their heart.

Do not waste time with people who do not know how appreciate you or value you and they don't have  time for you or   just give to you excuses that is not good.

Be happy and make other person happy and said thanks God for have health and have person who care of you  and  values ​​people who really love you, respect you, to give you time and mind in every moment of your life.

Be Yourself, people who really want to accept you with your flaws and virtues.

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